Friday, March 13, 2009

Home of the Brave

Hannah and Kek come from different cultures, speak different languages, and look different. "It's hard for me to remember that she sometimes find my ways as strange as I find hers", Kek says. Despite the differences the two of them have become good friends. What do they have in common that brings them together?


  1. they speak different languegs.they are different.they have the same feelings sometimes.they went to the mall togrther and kek didnt want to go up the stairs so he asked hannah could they go up by elvator and they went up but kek promise hannah that he will go up the stairs next time.

  2. What they have in common is that they dont see their parents anymore or live with them. Another thing they have in common is that they come from diffrent parts of the world and they both went to minnesota.

  3. i wrot that they are different because kek is african and hannah is caucasion

  4. they are diffrent in many ways but still care for each other

  5. what kek and hannah have in common is that they dont live with their parents.they are from different cultures and speak a different language.kek and hannah are good friends because evey time they have problems they help each other and care for each other.

  6. they both are intersting in cows.they went to see a cow.
    And now kek work for the cows and hannah promised him that she would come back to see the cows again with him.

  7. what they have in common is that they both got seperated from their moms and they live with a close relative and kek came from africa and hannah came from america what they dont have in common is that hannah been in a foster home and kek was brought to minnesotsa by a refugee camp

  8. what they have in commin is that they both dont hav parents. they both have brothers .they are diffrent because kek is african n he comes from darfur,africa and hannah comes from caucasin and she is caucasion.

  9. What brings Kek and Hannah together is they both come from different places.Kek and Hannah feels they are not the only one who came like that.So Kek and Hannah became closer to closer friends.They have things in common like they both have brothers with them.There aunt is there to.There father also died too.So they both became closer by having things in common.

  10. They help each other out for example...hannah teaches kek how to speak english they have alot of faith in each other

  11. they both dont live with their parents because kek's dad and brother died and he doesnt know were his mother is at.and Hannah is a foster child.even though kek and hannah were from different cultures they still get along.

  12. I think that they have some things in common because they both lost their parents and they also teach each diffrent things

  13. they are best friends and they went to go and see the cow .they are the same also because they both have a problem in their life.=)

  14. the difrence from kek and hannah is that hannah is from america and kek is from africa and that kek and hannah have different race.and i also know that kek miss his mom and hannah miss her mom

  15. Kek and Hannah are different,Kek is black[no racism]and hannah is white but,I think that even though they are different,they still care for each other a lot.

  16. The thing that Hannah and Kek have in common is that both of their fathers died.

  17. they are in common because they have the same feelings and they help each other alot.
