Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sarah, Plain and Tall...Chapter 1

Why do you think Papa has forgotten the old songs? What do you know about Sarah so far?


  1. he has forgot the songds because its been a long time since his wife has died.
    Sarah is nice,sweet,and fun. she teaches caleb and anna about things they never knew.

  2. I think papa forgot the song because when his wife was alive she used to always sing the song and now since she's dead he hasn't
    heard that song in a while so he forgot.

  3. sarah is a nice person she's always kind to people and family.IF sarah has the chance to talk to them she teaches caleb and anna new things that they never new about or even saw.

  4. PAPA might of have forgotten the songs because its been a long time since he ever heard of those songs.Sarah so far is nice sweet brave and smart and knows how to do alot of things.Also she teaches Calbe and Anna how to do things mainly everyday!!

  5. PAPA might forgotten the songs because his wife died a long time ago and he hasnt sang since. sarah is kind,fun,energetic and sweet.and she tought caleb and anna how to swim.SHES GREAT!!!

  6. I agree with Jillian. In the book, Sarah Plain and Tall it states that the Mama died on a "cruel and sunny day." I think the author used the word "cruel" because sunny days are suppose to be filled with happiness and not sadness. In the book, Papa said, "I've forgotten the old songs. But maybe there's a way to remember them." I think Papa forgot the old songs because he is sad. His wife died a while ago. He thinks if he gets a new wife he will be happy and remember the songs again. The book hasn't said much about Sarah yet. However, she did write a letter to Papa. She says, "I am strong and work hard..." I think she is not only going to be physically, but also going have a strong personality.

  7. Papa forgot the song because he hasn't heard it in years.I think sarah is a nice,sweet,and kind person

  8. Think Papa forgot the songs because in the book it say that he forgot those old songs because his wife died.

  9. i think papa forgot about the songs because he dont want to be reminded about his wife...i think if sarah stays with him that maybe he will remeber them again.

  10. i think sarah is a relly kind and nice person...she was helping caleb how to swim...i think if she stays with papa that she will be a great mom and wife!!
